
Logging into FLUX

You will need to log into flux using a command-line terminal. If you have a mac machine, open your terminal program. On a PC you will need to download an external emulator program like cygwin.

If you are logging into FLUX from off campus, you will need to set up a VPN. Information on this is available here.

To log into FLUX, use the following command:

ssh -l your-uniq-name flux-login.arc-ts.umich.edu

FLUX will then ask for your password. This is your umich password. Type your password and press enter. Your password will not appear on the screen but it is there.

Next, flux will ask for your Duo authentication code. Type it in and press enter.

Easier login

If you are logging into flux frequently, it can be cumbersome to type this in all the time. Therefore, i recommend you create some aliases in your bash profile.

Navigate to your home directory:

# cd with no argument will take you to your home

# Print working directory to make sure you're in the right place

See if you have a file called .bash_profile, and if not, make a file:

# List all files in your current directory (including files starting with '.')
ls -a

# Create a .bash_profile file if it doesn't exist
touch .bash_profile

# Open your file for editing with nano
nano .bash_profile

Add these lines to your file (make sure to change to your uniq name!) and save.

# login to flux
alias flux='ssh -l your-uniq-name flux-login.arc-ts.umich.edu'

Now, when you want to login to flux, you only have to flux to initiate the login process!