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Investigate the bacterial composition of HNA and LNA groups and relate them to the productivity

Phylogenetic Tree Construction with Fasttree

Marian Schmidt

July 3rd, 2018

For All OTUs that pass the RL score threshold: 258 OTUs

  1. Create this repo in the fasttree folder.

  2. To plot a phylogeny with OTUs with HNA and LNA Lasso Scores to look for phylogenetic signal. The following code was ran in R with the vector of OTUs with RL scores of at least 0.15:

# With all of the OTUs that pass the RL score threshold
otu_scores_df <- matrix_RLscores %>% %>%

# Subset the vector with names of the OTUs
vector_of_otus <- as.vector(otu_scores_df$OTU)

# Write a file 
write(vector_of_otus, file = "data/fasttree/Figure5/OTUnames_RLscores_258.txt",
      ncolumns = 1, append = FALSE, sep = "\n")
  1. Next, I ran the following code in the shell:
~/bbmap/ in=../cut_test.fasta names=OTUnames_RLscores_258.txt out=OTUs258.fasta -include t
  1. Since the above function puts an “N” where all the dashes are for alignment - let’s replace them with “-“ by running the following command.
sed 's/N/-/g' OTUs258.fasta > OTUs258_rmN.fasta

For the Top 10 OTUs from each system: 41 OTUs

  1. Make file with OTU names in R:
# Get the Top 10 OTU names
top10_otu_scores_df <- df_top10 %>% 

# Subset the vector with names of the OTUs
top10_vector_of_otus <- as.vector(top10_otu_scores_df$OTU)

# Write the file 
write(top10_vector_of_otus, file = "data/fasttree/Figure5/OTUnames_RLscores_top10.txt",
      ncolumns = 1, append = FALSE, sep = "\n")
  1. Subset the sequences from the top 10 OTUs from the larger fasta file with from bbtools.

NOTE: If a file already exists - the command will not run because of overwrite=FALSE

~/bbmap/ in=../cut_test.fasta names=OTUnames_RLscores_top10.txt out=OTUs_top10.fasta -include t
  1. Remove the N’s for -.
sed 's/N/-/g' OTUs_top10.fasta > OTUs_top10_rmN.fasta

Copy Files to flux

  1. I will use the transfer host through U of M (requires password). Working on my own personal computer in /scratch/lsa_fluxm/marschmi/HNA_LNA/June_July_2018.
# All 258 RLscore threshold OTUs
scp OTUs258_rmN.fasta

# Top 10 OTUs from each syste
scp OTUs_top10_rmN.fasta

Run FastTree

  1. Run the fasttree pbs scripts with qsub fasttree_top10.pbs and qsub fasttree_OTUs_258.pbs.

  2. After running fasttree, transfer those files back local computer. I ran code like (password required):

scp* .
scp* .